Mt Carmel's Goodfellow Roo in the Silk Tree
Mt Carmel's Slice of Charm Pi
Born September 23, 2019
Della was one of 7 lively puppies born to first time parents Roo and Pi. Della is a little more on the reserve side. She is quiet, stealth, and spooky when she appears out of nowhere, unopposing gentle loving soul. Della is reserve with strangers. She warms up to women more easily then men. Incredibly observant, loves children. Very affectionate with her pack and Human family. Very successful career in conformation events, she is all business.
Della is an elegant and powerfully built hound. Exceptional coat Beautiful dark oval eyes with abundance of dark pigment. Lovely outline with a nice deep chest, long elegant neck, long back, well drawn tuck. Very sound movement.
Health Screenings
Liver Shunt - Negative
Echocardiogram - Normal
Eyes - Normal 2022
Hips - Good (Grade)
Elbows - Normal
Patella (Knees) - Normal
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) - Clear
Startle Diseases - Clear
2nd Eye Exam - Abnormal 2024
All of the above health information (except for Liver Shunt) is available to the public at:
OFA - The Canine Health Information Center.
OFA Button below is linked to Della's results.